What is Strategic Tax Planning? Between the extremes of complete compliance with tax law and the

Honest advice. Unsurpassed experience. Clear guidance.
TAVAS is a multidisciplinary professional consulting firm focused on providing Strategic Tax Planning, business valuation services, tax compliance and advisory services to small and medium sized closely-held businesses in the United States and Canada. TAVAS’ professionals incorporate recent and pending legislative changes, as well as cutting-edge planning techniques, in providing tax planning advice to our clients. The firm consists of 40+ tax attorneys and CPAs providing customized and integrated tax planning incorporating these areas:
- Asset Protection
- Business Structuring
- Employee Retention
- Federal Tax Savings
- State Tax Savings
- Advanced Strategies
- State Income Tax Nexus Studies

- Sales/Use Tax Nexus Studies
- Retirement Planning
- Succession Considerations
- Estate Issues
- Healthcare Planning
- Education Planning
- Compensation Planning
TAVAS’ expertise combines the Strategic Tax Planning with resources for certified business valuation services with designations such as Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA) with the American Society of Appraisers, Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA) with the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NACVA) for business, tax, succession and transition planning. TAVAS employs professional with years of experience in tax preparation, accounting, financial statement reporting, Quickbooks certifications and tax defense support.
Tax, Valuation and Advisory Services for All Industries

Tax & Accounting Services
Tax Preparation According to a study released by the US Government's General Accounting Office last

Overview TAVAS’ expertise is tax planning and research, rather than tax return preparation, and